Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50163

Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems

Status: Valid

· Corrected by: SS-EN 50163 C 1 Amended by: SS-EN 50163 A 1 , SS-EN 50163 A 2 , SS-EN 50163, utg 2:2005/A3:2022
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50163

Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems
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This European Standard specifies the main characteristics of the supply voltages of traction systems, such as traction fixed installations, including auxiliary devices fed by the contact line, and rolling stock, for use in the following applications:
-- railways;
-- guided mass transport systems such as tramways, elevated and underground railways mountain railways, and trolleybus systems;
-- material transportation systems.
This European Standard does not apply to
-- mine traction systems in underground mines,
-- cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the traction power supply system,
-- suspended cable cars,
-- funicular railways.
This European Standard deals with long term overvoltages as shown in the Annex A.


Electric traction equipment (29.280)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 50163

Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems
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Price: 670 SEK
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Price: 670 SEK
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Product information

Language: English


International title:

Article no: STD-3331875

Edition: 2

Approved: 1/24/2005

No of pages: 18

Replaces: SS-EN 50163