Standard IEC standard · IEC 60867:1993

Insulating liquids - Specifications for unused liquids based on synthetic aromatic hydrocarbons

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: IEC 60867:2022
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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60867:1993

Insulating liquids - Specifications for unused liquids based on synthetic aromatic hydrocarbons
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Price: 1 040 SEK
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Price: 1 040 SEK
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Covers specifications and test methods for unused synthetic aromatic hydrocarbons intended for use as insulating liquid in electrical equipment.


Insulating oils (29.040.10)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60867:1993

Insulating liquids - Specifications for unused liquids based on synthetic aromatic hydrocarbons
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Price: 1 040 SEK
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Price: 1 040 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-123659

Edition: 2

Approved: 9/21/1993

No of pages: 27

Replaced by: IEC 60867:2022