Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 7097-2:2022

Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method (ISO 7097-2:2022, IDT)

Status: Valid

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 7097-2:2022

Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method (ISO 7097-2:2022, IDT)
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This document describes an analytical method for the determination of uranium in samples from
pure product materials such as U metal, UO2, UO3, U3O8, uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and uranium
hexafluoride from the nuclear fuel cycle. This procedure is sufficiently accurate and precise to be used
for nuclear materials accountability. This method can be used directly for the analysis of most uranium
and uranium oxide nuclear reactor fuels, either irradiated or un-irradiated, and of uranium nitrate
product solutions. Fission products equivalent to up to 10 % burn-up of heavy atoms do not interfere,
and other elements which could cause interference are not normally present in sufficient quantity to
affect the result significantly. The method recommends that an aliquot of sample is weighed and that a
mass titration is used, in order to obtain improved precision and accuracy. This does not preclude the
use of alternative techniques which could give equivalent performance. The use of automatic device(s)
in the performance of some critical steps of the method has some advantages, mainly in the case of
routine analysis.
This method does not generate a toxic mixed waste as does the potassium dichromate titration
in ISO 7097-1.


Fissile materials (27.120.30)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 7097-2:2022

Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method (ISO 7097-2:2022, IDT)
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-80039617

Edition: 2

Approved: 11/29/2022

No of pages: 28

Replaces: SS-ISO 7097-2:2011