Safety of machinery - The positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach speeds of parts of the human body
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1.1 This European Standard provides parameters based on values for hand/arm and approach speeds and the methodology to determine the minimum distances from specific sensing or actuating devices of protective equipment to a danger zone.
1.2 These specific devices are:
-- Trip devices as defined in 3.23.5 of EN 292-1:1991 (specifically electro-sensitive protective equipment, including those used additionally to initiate operation, and pressure sensitive mats).
-- Two-hand control devices as defined in 3.23.4 of EN 292-1:1991 and covered by EN 574.
NOTE For the purpose of this standard hold-to-run controls, which are designed to be actuated with one hand, are not considered to be protective equipment.
1.3 This standard gives guidance based on the assumption that the correct device has been chosen either by reference to the appropriate Type-C standard or by carrying out a risk assessment.
1.4 The calculated distances, when implemented, will provide sufficient protection for persons against the risks caused by approaching a danger zone which generate any of the following mechanical hazards, such as:
Crushing, shearing, cutting or severing, entanglement, drawing-in or trapping, friction or abrasion, stabbing or puncture and impact.
Protection against the risks from mechanical hazards arising from the ejection of solid or fluid materials and non-mechanical hazards such as toxic emissions, electricity, radiation etc. are not covered by this standard.
Safety of machinery - The positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach speeds of parts of the human body
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