Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 17037:2018

Daylight in buildings

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-EN 17037:2018+A1:2021 , SS-EN 17037:2018+A1:2021 Corrected by: SS-EN 17037:2018/AC:2021
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 17037:2018

Daylight in buildings
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This document specifies elements for achieving, by means of natural light, an adequate subjective impression of lightness indoors, and for providing an adequate view out. In addition, recommendations for the duration of sunshine exposure within occupied rooms are given.

This document gives information on how to use daylighting to provide lighting within interiors, and how to limit glare.

This document defines metrics used for the evaluation of daylighting conditions and gives principles of calculation and verification. These principles allow to address the issue of variability of daylight over the days and the year.

This document applies to all spaces that may be regularly occupied by people for extended periods except where daylighting is contrary to the nature and role of the actual work done. The specification of lighting requirements for humans in indoor work places including visual tasks are given in EN 12464-1 and are not part of this document.

This document contains a Swedish national foreword and a Swedish national annex that are written in Swedish and translated to English.

I detta dokument anges sätt för att, genom naturligt ljus, uppnå ett subjektivt intryck av tillräcklig ljushet inomhus och för att ge en tillräcklig utblick. Dessutom finns tidsrekommendationer för exponering för solljus i rum där personer vistas.

Detta dokument ger information om hur dagsljus används för att skapa belysning inomhus och för att begränsa bländning. Detta dokument definierar mätetal som används för utvärderingen av dagsljusförhållanden och ger principer för beräkningar och verifikation. Dessa principer gör det möjligt att hantera frågan hur dagsljus varierar över dagen och över året.

Detta dokument gäller för alla utrymmen som det regelbundet vistas personer i under längre perioder utom där dagsbelysning är motstridande i förhållande till syftet med det faktiska arbetet.

Specifikationen av belysningskrav för personer på inomhusarbetsplatser inklusive visuella arbetsuppgifter finns i standarden SS-EN 12464-1 och finns inte med i detta dokument.

Detta dokument innehåller ett svenskt nationellt förord och en svensk nationell bilaga som är skrivna på svenska och översatta till engelska.

This document specifies elements for achieving, by means of natural light, an adequate subjective impression of lightness indoors, and for providing an adequate view out. In addition, recommendations for the duration of sunshine exposure within occupied rooms are given.

This document gives information on how to use daylighting to provide lighting within interiors, and how to limit glare. This document defines metrics used for the evaluation of daylighting conditions and gives principles of calculation and verification. These principles allow to address the issue of variability of daylight over the days and the year.

This document applies to all spaces that may be regularly occupied by people for extended periods except where daylighting is contrary to the nature and role of the actual work done.

The specification of lighting requirements for humans in indoor work places including visual tasks are given in EN 12464-1 and are not part of this document.

This document contains a Swedish national foreword and a Swedish national annex that are written in Swedish and translated to English.


Light and lightning (12.020) General (91.040.01) General (91.160.01) Building design (94.100)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN 17037:2018

Daylight in buildings
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Price: 1 820 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-80008713

Edition: 1

Approved: 12/18/2018

No of pages: 76

Also available in: SS-EN 17037:2018

Replaces: SS 914201

Replaced by: SS-EN 17037:2018+A1:2021 , SS-EN 17037:2018+A1:2021