Standard IEC standard · IEC 61689:2022

Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61689:2022

Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz
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IEC 61689:2022 is applicable to ultrasonic equipment designed for physiotherapy containing an ultrasonic transducer generating continuous or quasi-continuous (e.g. tone burst) wave ultrasound in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz. This document only relates to ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment employing a single plane non-focusing circular transducer per treatment head, producing static beams perpendicular to the face of the treatment head. This document specifies:
- methods of measurement and characterization of the output of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment based on reference testing methods;
- characteristics to be specified by manufacturers of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment based on reference testing methods;
- guidelines for safety of the ultrasonic field generated by ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment;
- methods of measurement and characterization of the output of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment based on routine testing methods;
- acceptance criteria for aspects of the output of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment based on routine testing methods.
Therapeutic value and methods of use of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment are not within the scope of this document.
Ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment using ultrasound in the frequency range from 20 kHz to 500 kHz is dealt with in IEC 63009.
IEC 61689:2022 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) The requirement on water oxygen content is specified in 6.1.
b) Former recommendations in 6.2 have been changed to become requirements.
c) Several definitions in Clause 3 have been updated in line with other TC 87 documents.
d) The formerly informative Annex A has been changed to become normative, and now contains details on how conformance with IEC 60601-2-5 requirements is checked.
e) Annex D has been considerably shortened and reference to a now withdrawn regulatory document has been removed.


Therapy equipment (11.040.60)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61689:2022

Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz
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Price: 4 745 SEK
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Price: 4 745 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-80034430

Edition: 4

Approved: 3/9/2022

No of pages: 129

Replaces: IEC 61689:2013