Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9015-2:2016

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Hardness testing - Part 2: Microhardness testing of welded joints (ISO 9015-2:2016)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9015-2:2016

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Hardness testing - Part 2: Microhardness testing of welded joints (ISO 9015-2:2016)
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This part of ISO 9015 specifies microhardness testing on transverse sections of welded joints of metallic materials with high hardness gradients. It covers Vickers hardness tests in accordance with ISO 6507-1, normally with test loads of 0,98 N to less than 49 N (HV 0,1 to less than HV 5).NOTE Testing ensures that the highest and/or the lowest level of hardness of both parent materials (in the case of dissimilar materials both parent materials) and weld metal is determined.This part of ISO 9015 is not applicable to hardness testing of welds with loads of 49,03 N and above, which is covered by ISO 9015-1.This part of ISO 9015 is not applicable to Vickers hardness testing of resistance spot, projection and seam welds, which is covered by ISO 14271.This part of ISO 9015 is not applicable to hardness testing of very narrow welds, e.g. those typically produced by laser and electron beam welding (see ISO 22826).


Welded joints and welds (25.160.40)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9015-2:2016

Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Hardness testing - Part 2: Microhardness testing of welded joints (ISO 9015-2:2016)
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-8019243

Edition: 2

Approved: 2/29/2016

No of pages: 24

Replaces: SS-EN ISO 9015-2:2011 , SS-EN ISO 9015-2:2011