SIS Subscription – subscribe to standards

Fast and easy access to current standards with our SIS Subscription service.

  • Quality-assure your organisation via access to all the world's standards
  • Select and subscribe to the standards most relevant to your operations
  • Always the latest version in your account
  • Give your entire organisation access to your standards, share settings and so much more

Try SIS Subscription free of charge for 14 days

Contact our customer service at to get access to a demo version of SIS Subscription that you can try free of charge for 14 days.

You are most welcome to contact us by calling +46 8 555 523 10 if you have any questions during your SIS Subscription trial period.

About SIS Subscription

The SIS Subscription online library stocks more than 70 000 standards. Of course, you only fill your SIS Subscription with just the standards your company needs. And you can always access the latest as well as earlier versions. You are notified by email every time a standard is updated.

You can print out your selected standards, save them locally or on a server and create a link or copy sections for internal use. Naturally, you can preview all other standards. Here you can also find all related data, chronology and – soon –directives too.

As you surely already know, standards help cut development and production costs. They also help create routines by promoting more efficient flows and higher quality, which lead to growth. Standards are a mark of quality, confirming the consistency of your products and services. Some of these standards also help compliance with Swedish legislation and EU directives.

Once you’ve decided to sign up, your SIS Subscription subscription includes training about standards and about how to use the service. If you have any questions, you are assigned a personal contact who can help.

The SIS Subscription online library costs from SEK 1 950 per annum.

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