Strukturering av information om byggd miljö – Informationshantering genom byggnadsinformationsmodellering – Del 6: Hälsa och säkerhet (ISO/FDIS 19650-6:2024, IDT)
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StandardSvensk standard
SS-EN ISO 19650-6:2025
Strukturering av information om byggd miljö – Informationshantering genom byggnadsinformationsmodellering – Del 6: Hälsa och säkerhet (ISO/FDIS 19650-6:2024, IDT)
Prenumerera på standarder med tjänst SIS Abonnemang. Genom att prenumerera får du effektiv åtkomst till gällande standarder och säkerställer att ditt företag alltid har tillgång till senaste utgåvan.
Läs mer om SIS Abonnemang
This Document outlines the concepts and principles to ensure that Health and Safety information is developed, shared and managed collaboratively, ensuring the economic, environmental and social benefits are secured.
This Document;
1) specifies requirements for the collaborative sharing of structured H&S information throughout the asset life-cycle.
2) supports the progressive development of structured H&S information for all built assets.
3) provides guidance on how H&S information is produced, flows and can be used throughout the asset lifecycle. Whilst all H&S risk information can be included within an information model, this document requires the contextualization and filtering of hazards and risks to prioritize the elevated risks and aspects that are safety critical.
4) sets out a framework (risk information cycle) for the application of H&S information-use through BIM processes and applications.
This document specifies how to use H&S information in order to:
a) provide a safer and healthier environment for end-users;
b) mitigate the inherent hazards and risks across the asset lifecycle;
c) result in improved H&S performance, fewer incidents and associated impacts;
d) provide for clearer, more assured and relevant H&S information to the ‘right-people’ at the ‘right time’;
e) reduce costs across the whole lifecycle of the asset.
The exchange and use of H&S information is intended to support:
1) representation of the nature and characteristics of the project, site, built asset and associated activities;
2) representation of H&S hazards, risks and associated factors;
3) the generalization, dissemination and re-use of H&S knowledge and experience.
This document is applicable to individuals and organizations that contribute to and influence the definition of design, construction, use (including maintenance) and end of life of a built asset.
This standard is intended to address information management at a stage of maturity described as “building information modelling” (BIM according to the ISO 19650 series. However, the principles and requirements of this document can be applied equally to non-BIM projects.
Strukturering av information om byggd miljö – Informationshantering genom byggnadsinformationsmodellering – Del 6: Hälsa och säkerhet (ISO/FDIS 19650-6:2024, IDT)
Prenumerera på standarder med tjänst SIS Abonnemang. Genom att prenumerera får du effektiv åtkomst till gällande standarder och säkerställer att ditt företag alltid har tillgång till senaste utgåvan.
Läs mer om SIS Abonnemang
Internationell titel: Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling — Information management using building information modelling — Part 6: Health and Safety (ISO/FDIS 19650-6:2024, IDT)
Artikelnummer: STD-82093253
Utgåva: 1
Fastställd: 2025-01-23
Antal sidor: 35
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