Standard Tekniska rapporter · SIS-CEN/TR 13201-1:2005

Vägbelysning - Del 1: Val av belysningsklasser

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SIS-CEN/TR 13201-1:2014
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Standard Tekniska rapporter · SIS-CEN/TR 13201-1:2005

Vägbelysning - Del 1: Val av belysningsklasser
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This document specifies the lighting classes set out in EN 13201-2 and gives guidelines on the application of these classes. To do this, it includes a system to define an outdoor public traffic area in terms of parameters relevant to lighting. To assist in the application of classes, it suggests a practical relationship between the various series of lighting classes, in terms of comparable or alternative classes.
It also gives guidelines on the selection of the relevant area to which the lighting classes from EN 13201-2 and the calculation grids and procedure from EN 13201-3 should be applied.
The parameters used in this document allow:
a) a lighting situation to be described in terms of:
-- the geometry of the area under consideration;
-- the use of the area;
-- the influence of the surrounding environment;
b) a specific approach to situations to be taken to enable the effective use of energy.
This document does not give the criteria on which a decision to light an area can be made, nor on how a lighting installation should be used.
This document does not give guidelines on the selection of lighting classes for toll stations, tunnels or canals and locks.


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Standard Tekniska rapporter · SIS-CEN/TR 13201-1:2005

Vägbelysning - Del 1: Val av belysningsklasser
Prenumerera på standarden - Läs mer Dölj
Pris: 1 220 SEK
standard ikon pdf


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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Svenska institutet för standarder

Internationell titel: Road lighting - Part 1: Selection of lighting classes

Artikelnummer: STD-39283

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2005-04-11

Antal sidor: 30

Ersätts av: SIS-CEN/TR 13201-1:2014