Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1991-2

Eurokod 1: Laster på bärverk - Del 2: Trafiklast på broar

Status: Gällande till 2028-03-30

· Korrigeras av: SS-EN 1991-2/AC:2010 , SS-EN 1991-2/AC:2010
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1991-2

Eurokod 1: Laster på bärverk - Del 2: Trafiklast på broar
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(1) EN 1991-2 defines imposed loads (models and representative values) associatedwith road traffic, pedestrian actions and rail traffic which include, when relevant,dynamic effects and centrifugal, braking and acceleration actions and actions foraccidental design situations.(2) Imposed loads defined in EN 1991-2 are intended to be used for the design of newbridges, including piers, abutments, upstand walls, wing walls and flank walls etc., andtheir foundations.(3) The load models and values given in EN 1991-2 should be used for the design ofretaining walls adjacent to roads and railway lines.NOTE For some models only, applicability conditions are defined in EN 1991-2. For the design of buriedstructures, retaining walls and tunnels, provisions other than those in EN 1990 to EN 1999 may benecessary. Possible complementary conditions may be defined in the National Annex or for the individualproject.(4) EN 1991-2 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1990 (especially A2) andEN 1991 to EN 1999.(5) Section 1 gives definitions and symbols.(6) Section 2 defines loading principles for road bridges, footbridges (or cycle-trackbridges) and railway bridges.(7) Section 3 is concerned with design situations and gives guidance on simultaneity oftraffic load models and on combinations with non-traffic actions.(8) Section 4 defines :– imposed loads (models and representative values) due to traffic actions on roadbridges and their conditions of mutual combination and of combination withpedestrian and cycle traffic (see section 5) ;– other actions specifically for the design of road bridges.(9) Section 5 defines :– imposed loads (models and representative values) on footways, cycle tracks andfootbridges;– other actions specifically for the design of footbridges.


Tekniska aspekter (91.010.30) Eurokod 0 och 1, Grundläggande dimensioneringsregler och laster (91.070.01) Eurokod, bro (91.070.60) Brobyggnad (93.040)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 1991-2

Eurokod 1: Laster på bärverk - Del 2: Trafiklast på broar
Prenumerera på standarden - Läs mer Dölj
Pris: 1 695 SEK
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Eurokoder, SIS/TK 203

Internationell titel: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges

Artikelnummer: STD-72046

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2003-10-17

Gällande till: 2028-03-30

Antal sidor: 176

Finns även på: SS-EN 1991-2

Ersätter: SS-ENV 1991-3

Parallell utgåva: SS-EN 1991-2:2024