Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 998-2

Bruk för murverk - Krav - Del 2: Murbruk

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· Ersätts av: SS-EN 998-2
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 998-2

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This part of EN 998 specifies requirements for masonry mortars (bedding, jointing and pointing) for use in masonry (e.g. facing and rendered masonry, loadbearing or non-loadbearing masonry structures, including internal linings and partitions, for building and civil engineering).
To support the aim of achieving a performance-related standard, as far as practicable, the Standard refers only to the properties of the product and not to its method of manufacture, except where this is unavoidable in the description of the characteristics of the product.
It defines for fresh mortars the performance related to workable life, chloride content, air content, correction time (for thin layer mortars) and density.For hardened mortars it defines the performance related to compressive strength, bond strength, durability and thermal properties and density. All performances are measured according to the corresponding test methods contained in separate European Standards.
It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard.
The marking requirement for products covered by this European Standard is included.
This standard covers masonry mortars defined in clause 3 with the exception of site made mortars. However, this standard or part of this standard may be used in conjunction with codes of applications and National specifications covering site made mortars.


Cement, gips, kalk, bruk (91.100.10)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 998-2

Bruk för murverk - Krav - Del 2: Murbruk
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Pris: 920 SEK
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Svenska institutet för standarder

Internationell titel: Specification for mortar for masonry - Part 2: Masonry mortar

Artikelnummer: STD-31877

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2002-01-11

Antal sidor: 18

Ersätts av: SS-EN 998-2